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By enricolacchin6 December 2022In LinkedinUniTS

Value Proposition | Work Group @ UNITS


To conclude the journey started with the Customer Journey (link) on Thursday 1 December during the course of “Digital Transformation, User Experience and Online Positioning” at the University of Trieste, our teacher Pietro Orciuolo made us develop a Value Proposition, taking up the previously chosen product.


❓ But what is a Value Proposition?


A Value Proposition is the value proposition that a company makes to the market, expressed in terms of perceived advantages, tangible or otherwise, that consumers can obtain by purchasing the solution proposed on the market.


🧠 To be effective, a value proposition must communicate:


– Why your customers should choose you instead of a competitor
– How your product solves the problems people find in certain actions
– What benefits your product or service brings to the user


The value proposition canva aims to relate you/your product/company’s value proposition to the real needs of the target user. By studying the value proposition we can also realize if the user persona we have created is 100% right or if it can be improved.


👨🏻‍🏫 An example?


While creating the value proposition for our hypothetical product my team and I realized that the user persona was not 100% correct and went to revise it.


👥 The whole team did a great job and gave their best, well done Matteo Garbellotto, Lorenzo Danieletto, Sarah Rudez, Marco Macrì, Nicolo Verdinelli, Matteo Gorla, Luca Martin, Raffaele Caserta


💼 And now I ask you: What is your value proposition or that of your product / company?


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svgCustomer Journey | Work Group @ UNITS
svgDigital Transformation, UX & Positioning